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The 5 LAWS to Conversational Sales

I'm excited to share this content with you. We talk a lot about improving our ability to sell; whether you're selling yourself, services, a product, or whatever the case may be, it is critical as an entrepreneur and a millionaire that you learn sales, period. So here are five laws to follow for a natural conversational sales flow with a splash of some BONUS sales gems so you can dive right into your next sale!

Whether you are selling yourself, a product, or services, it is critical as an entrepreneur that you learn sales, period. So here are five laws to follow for a natural conversational sales flow (and no, I'm not talking about that sleazy cheesy sales junk you see in an 80's infomercial). I've also got some bonus content that I'll include here as well to make the conversation even more ORGANIC. So, let's get started.

To truly know sales, is to know sales systems and how they can be interchangeably used no matter the product, service or salesperson. As titled, we're going to be focusing primarily on the five laws of conversation. However, the bonus content I've prepared for you will be known as the fours and the eights, collectively this system is known as the "four fives and eights." This is just an introduction to understanding sales flows, sales conversations, and firm understanding of the conversation from start to finish until you get that 'Yes.'


I really can't stress how much I just love systems because when in doubt you have systems to fall back on. Without them, there aren't too many things to fall back on. And I've seen so many times where you get really good salespeople who are primarily "good" because of their personalities. They have the natural charismatic or charming personality, and people naturally are attracted to that which can translate in their sales. However, the common theme or problem that becomes consistent, is these same salespeople are unable to duplicate themselves, meaning they cannot train others to be as good at sales as there are. This is because they lack systems; and really only appear to be good at sales.

So, if you are that person, charismatic, charming, and have natural selling abilities, the systems will be able to help you duplicate yourself, because if not, understand that success is capped, relying on your energy and potential. It's also fine if you don't have that personality, because using systems allows you to be more fundamentally sound on the sales floor. We all know those athletes who make us wonder, "Man, what is it about this person??" They aren't bad, but they aren't fantastic either. They aren't the best shooters. They don't have the highest jump. They aren't even the quickest sprinter. What makes them so special, and the reason they fit in so well with their team is that they focus on the fundamentals and adopting the systems that are provided. They are fundamentally sound, allowing them to integrate into any organization that has systems and those systems that are truly based on the fundamentals of the game. So let us just get right into it, here's your snapshot:

3 Skills to Master the 4-5-8 System

There are three important skills that you need to master in order to utilize this 4-5-8 system thoroughly. Those three skills are active listening, kissing, reading, relaxing, and relating.

#1 Active Listening

Let's start with active listening because I don't think I need to say much about it because you're all, you know, active listeners (I know this for certain if you listen to The Million Dollar Mind Podcast religiously).

90% of the time, people will tell you exactly how to close them through conversation. If you're paying attention.

Pro Tip: Active listening means listening with your eyes, just as much as your ears. You don't want to miss those visual cues because body language RARELY tells lies.

#2 Short and Sweet 'The Kiss'

Second, keeping it short and sweet is essential! That's what it means to kiss it! Keep it short and simple, or stupid in some cases (this is where I insert 'LOL' but not really). Would you agree, that talking too much can kill a sale? THink about the last conversation you were having with someone where things started off peachy, they were an absolute vibe! But then someone gets too comfortable and starts to word vomit and vibe, KILLED. This is especially easy to do when it comes to money. Talking about money too soon is the fastest way most salespeople end up losing sales. And to make matters worst, you know price was brought up too soon when you feel like you owe an explanation, start to talk over yourself, saying "yes, and it's this price and that is great because it is this, this and that..." No... you lost them!

#3 Read, Relax and Relate

Read, relax, and relate. Read the room, read the situation, read your client's emotional distress or state, and read the person in front of you. Read these things, take a deep breath and relax. Because you don't want to be overly excited. You also don't want to be too disengaged. You want to be cool, calm, and collected, with just the right amount of engagement in the conversation. Okay, fine. The third is related to the first. Find a way to connect with that person. Those that have taken my classes know I'm always talking about mirroring. Mirroring allows you to put yourself in the shoes of your client. The goal of these conversations is to be someone's five-minute best friend for a brief moment. And we can easily accomplish this by finding something to relate to. Throughout the duration of the call, to the end of each call, your ability to make your prospect feel at ease with you determines your success.

5 Steps of Conversation

So now that you've grasped that let's get into the meat of what today's conversation will be about: the five steps of conversation. And these five steps are laws, if you will. Every effective conversation follows these laws. Every good conversation begins with an introduction, and every great conversation includes a short story, a presentation, a conclusion, and a rehash. And each component is critical; you cannot have an effective conversation if you skip one and move on to the next!

#1 Strong Introduction - Your First Impression

So, the first impression is crucia

l. So start with a strong, demanding, yet welcoming tone. And I always start by thanking people for their time and for stopping by. Thank you for speaking with me. How are you? Isn't it nice to be thanked? People want to spend time with people who are appreciative and show gratitude. That's in general, anyone who stops to share a human experience with you is something we should never take for granted. People don't have to help you. If they do, be grateful. When you're on the phone and having a more in-depth sales conversation, like a 30-45 minute presentation best practice is to ask them if they're ready to take notes and prepare for the huge gems you're about to drop. Unless you're an expert in your field and have given away free information that would be helpful in a decision-making process, you may not need to ask if they're taking notes if the presentation is only five to ten minutes long. To set expectations, I would even preface how the engagement will go. That's all you need in your intro.

Of course, don't forget your name with a smile (even if you're on the phone).

#2 Build a Rapport - The Short Story

This is the point in your story where you start building rapport, asking questions to identify them, trying to qualify them for your product or service, and if and ONLY if you are a good fit. Because sales gets a bad rap, most people think we're just trying to sign up people, which I

dislike. You're not trying to sell your products or services to people it's not meant for and can't help. That's unethical. You should only want win-win situations. I can only give you a win-win situation if my product or service is actually meant for you, if it can benefit you, and if it aligns with your needs or desires. To be sure, I need to ask the right questions to make sure we click.

You'll want to ask questions that qualify your prospect. Unless you already have a list of questions. Examine your business model, the product you sell, and your ideal client. Once you've identified your ideal client, you should develop questions to assess whether or not they're the right fit. The second point of the short build as much rapport as you can, ideally until you feel like the natural flow of the

conversation is dying. That will be your cue to transition into the presentation.

#3 The 'Pitch' - Your presentation

Your presentation will be the focal point of your discussion. That depends on your product or service or if you have a coaching program. If you have a product, like a hair product, your presentation will be closer to 10 to 15 minutes long. Depending on the complexity of your product or service, it could be anywhere from 20 to 35 minutes. I can't say, "Hey, if you're doing this, allow 45 minutes." You'll be pushing the envelope, stretching the conversation, and losing interest. Ensure a natural flow and don't talk too much. It's a mix of information and engagement; you're not just talking

down to your seller or client; you're educating and engaging them. So keep that in mind when presenting.

If they have questions about the information, this is where you will find out. I always like to end my pitches with "Hey, I know that was a lot, did you get all of that? Any questions?" Allow them time to process, react, and respond.

"Are you ready to start today?" (sense o

f urgency)

Allow them to comment. Let them express their wishes. Handle and objections that come by using a problem Question**

#4 Give Them Options - The Close

Give them two options. You want to provide people with two options. To give people options, having multiple offers is always a good idea. These offers provide people with options, because they may not be ready to spend that big-ticket but when you have some smaller-to-medium ticket offers that you can ease them into, you know, your premium ticket offer later on, you're doing yourself a great service. No does not always mean no. It means "next time."

This is typically now where price is heavily discussed, objections are being fired, it's like a chess match. You have to move with your next move in mind because at this point your prospect may be worn from the con

versation, but you still need their attention to get the sale.

#5 Rehash - Set the right expectations

The manner in which you set expectations and master these five laws of conversation will determine whether you receive zero or ten referrals from people who aren't your clients. Knowing the fives, what do you believe will be the most important step in this other conversation? Even though, if you kill this part it will be a slam dunk, it's not the presentation. We're hoping it's the presentation so we can brag about ourselves. Do we get to talk about our service or features? None of this is really that important. The conversation revolves around the intro, because yes, you only get one chance to make a first impression, but this isn't even it either. I used to believe it was. A great, strong short story that builds rapport can overcome even an ugly first impression. Someone on the phone just cursed at me for a bad introduction, I closed this lady the same day because my short story game was strong and on point. Most real estate contracts call

for five or six touches; this one only required one. But even still the short story isn't the most important part of the conversation. And judging by what's left, you probably now are guessing the rehash, and rightfully so!

A rehash is meant to set proper expectations. What does Getting Started look like, and what follows? What is the closing procedure? What is the onboarding process? How can I ensure that I'll be taken care of for the duration of my services or the product's warranty? This is so easily overlooked, and that's where salespeople set the wrong expectations, by not setting any expectations at all! You will undoubtedly get negative feedback because you did not tell them what to expect.

Or even worst, they'll cancel services and/or ask for their money back.

This causes too much stress for everyone, especially you, because you don't get paid if you don't close! But imagine having to give money back that you've already counted...

The 4 Fears

Let's get to the four fears. Because almost every single one of us, if not atleast one, fear all 4 of these things:

#1 Losing Out

This is the fear of losing or missing out; anyone who shops retail is afraid of missing out on a good deal. As a result, we like to use phrases like "today only" or "this deal is only for today." The buyer should feel emotionally obligated and drawn towards your offer, it should seem very aggressive as far as matching you

r competitors, and should stroke their ego and desire for savings. In essence no matter where the conversation goes, when I identify by buyer's personailty matching that of a person who doesn't like to miss out, I'm confident that I can complete the transaction with heavy use of one word, "TODAY." You want them to feel like if they don't make a decision today, they'll never be able to get this price at the price they want at any other time.

#2 Time Waste

The feeling of wasting your time, personally I can't think of anything that is worst. We ALL hate our time being wasted but you can especially tell when some people are more in a rush and pressed for time than others. Once those people are identified, with them you have to switch gears and have a sense of urgency. Again certain people appear to be and sound like they are in a hurry. They speak very quickly. If you are with someone in person and they are looking at their watch, tapping their f

eet, or acting jittery, you also want to use a sense of urgency. So we'll say things like "quick question" or "this will be quick." The last feeling they should get is you wanting to keep them long!

"So, how long will it take just a moment?" You really don't want to say or be specific, because as soon as you do, boooyyyy will that stop watch start! Think about it, you don't really know what kind of schedule they're on anyway, so voluntarily giving yourself time constraints wouldn't be wise, you could literally say one minute too long. Remember, this is a person in a hurry, so if you say you're just going to take a couple of seconds, they'll start timing you. Don't set yourself up to fail. Just go ahead and say, "I'll make this super quick." You need to match your actions with your words though. Speak with haste, but still speak clearly and confidently.

#3 Unbelonging

The fear of not belong is next, I also like to compare this fear, to the Jones effect

phenomena. I have a cat right here. Because this is more for people who, really like to follow the crowd, monkey see, monkey do. These people are copy cats by nature and that is why it is known as the Jones effect. Classic mo

vie, if you've ever seen Keeping Up with the Jones'. It's about a fake family that created by a sales company to pretty much sell products to the neighbors, go watch the movie! The Jones' appear to be so cool and be so welcoming that everyone wants to be like them. So the Jones effect is strategically used by referrencing your 'last client'; "my last client felt the same way."

This is especially true if you have someone who is already saying, "Oh, my cousin said this... my mother was doing this... my auntie has this now." It's screaming "tell me about what deals you have because everyone I know has your services too!" So again I brought out the cat. Because people are naturally followers and copycats. We want to be in the know, we want to be in the crowd and the trends, we want to follow the trends, which is why, now everything is being branded by using Instagram and social media, because people want to keep up. So you learn leverage that, and you play the game with the people who are trying so hard to keep up and want to be like everyone else. You use the Jones effect to your greatest advantage, and that is your greatest advantage when using the Jones effect.

#4 Wrong Move

Finally, we have indifference, which is similar to the fear of making the wrong decision. Some people will so easily get analysis paralysis when presented with new information, all of a sudden a new question or concern arises. It's like, bro, it doesn't really matter. You can sign up today or sign up tomorrow, and I'll be honest, carry that energy with a little more comfort and assurance that if say yes, there are taken care of. But if they say no, you don't need their sale, you really don't, there are plenty more out there. Just don't be so pushy about the sale. People despise pushy salespeople. That's why most of you probably ignore sales for the most part as it is, because you despise salespeople and cheesy pitches. So indifference allows you to be very calm, cool and laid back. I'll get this sale whenever I get the sale.

Now I must warn you again, each fear relates to a certain personality, and just because this works for one personality, it doesn't mean you can get lazy. Because some sales you HAVE TO WORK FOR. Even with using the indifference, it require a certain type of work ethic. If you're not going to be working the sale, it just means you need to talk to more people because your sale will come eventually.

8 Habits for Business Success

Also known as the eight great work habits.

#1 Put in a Full Day's Work

First and foremost, put in a full day's work. You must learn to stick to a schedule, whether for sales or for anything else. This is especially important for our self-employed entrepreneurs. It is still critical that you create your own schedule; you must do so. Choose between working from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Don't say you'll be working from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. only to work from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. every day, you're failing yourself and your business. When you start making a schedule for yourself, I like to refer to it as an operational plan. Make a note of it in your calendar, even if it means scheduling out leisure time, as I do. I'll schedule haircuts, vacations, leisure time, game time, and recording time, just like I'm doing now; everything is on my calendar because if it's not on my calendar, it won't happen.

#2 Work to your Full Potential

Second, work to your full potential. To put it another way, You must ensure that you make the best use of your time. So, if I were to divide my days, and I know that 10 to 11 is when I'm doing research. I need to cut down on my distractions. Because I don't have time to check my phone for notifications and get lost in the sauce if I only have an hour to do research.

#3 Be on Time

Number three, be on time. Saying work starts at 10 does not mean getting out of bed at ten o'clock and showering at ten-thirty. Please arrive on time as you have a shift, that you designated for yourself. Be on time, and think about why you're here. This will help you make the most of your time and return to work at full capacity.

#4 Prepare Yourself

Prepare yourself, number four. One way to be prepared is to have your client profile ready. For many reasons, you should be prepared to take notes. Show up and show out, don't just show up. You demonstrate your presence by being well-prepared. These eight excellent work habits can be applied elsewhere. These eight great work habits came from my previous sales position selling cable. However, here I am using the same systems to sell, Real Estate, Digital products, sponsorships, etc.

#5 Listening to Others

I adore this number five, which is probably the most important and necessary work habit you can instill in your daily life. Listening to what others have to say is one of the most genuine forms of respect. Going back to what I said about active listening, that is one skill you must master if you are to use the four fives and eights effectively. If you are not listening to people you are not treating them with the respect they deserve. Understanding the opportunity is, there but can be lost without respect.

#6 Focusing on the Opportunity

The concept of opportunity in this case can be understood in two ways. The benefit, is that you understand each person's opportunity and the benefit you get from selling, hitting your sales quota, and pushing the envelope; and the blessing, the opportunity that you have to be a blessing to someone, which goes back to actively listening to what their wants, desires, and needs are and creating Win-Win situations for people. That is a blessing, and focusing on the blessing first often leads to the benefit, so I recommend focusing on the blessing first.

#7 Take Control

Take control, and master having an open conversation while maintaining complete control of the flow at all times. The person who asks the questions has control over the conversation, which is an excellent tip for you. So, practice asking specific questions that will help guide the conversation in the direction you want it to go. You must ask specific questions because the person who asks them controls the conversation. So long as someone else is asking you questions, they have control of the conversation. And, as a salesperson, you're doing a terrible job. I'm not being impolite. I'm just being truthful because that's why you're reading.

#8 Always have a Positive Attitude

Moving on to number eight, you should always have a positive mental attitude and start every call or conversation with a smile on your face. If you can't answer the phone with a smile or smile at someone, let them walk by because you're wasting your time. You must learn how to engage people with a smile and positive energy both on the phone and in person. Simply improve your attitude and cultivate a more positive mental attitude about yourself. This stuff is infectious! Even if the people who come to you aren't in the best of moods, your positive attitude will eventually rub off on them if you smile and act happy. They'll feel a lot more cheerful by the time you get to your presentation or close, and that should be the goal. So let us focus on that.

I appreciate your continued engagement; please keep in touch. Please DM us on Instagram if you have any thoughts on topics and discussions you would love for us to have! The MDM Brand was created with YOU in mind, carefully curated to inspire and influence you to want more, find more, and have more abundance in your life! Would love for you to check out our official website and browse some of our motivational Millionaire Merch in the gift shop, perfect for you or a friend you'd love to Be, Do, and Have more! Regardless, stay focused, build momentum, and achieve results to live abundantly peacefully. The Million Dollar Mind Podcast has gone global thanks to you, rated #1 in passion attraction in the UK, Ireland, France, Belgium, Tanzania, and the USA. With this accomplishment, we are growing bigger and better than ever!

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